
Water gardening has become one of the newest and fastest growing trends in garden design in the past 5 years. However, water gardening has been around for a very long time. 建造一个池塘有很多因素. 理解...
草坪护理 Preparing the soil for a new crop Turn over the soil to a depth of 10-15cm. 添加土壤改良剂,如黑土和表土. Rake well and level the soil, creating a gradual slope away from the...
抗地鼠植物一年生植物:仙客来属. Cyclamen Nerium oleander Oleander Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary Salvia officinalis Sage Solanum jasminoides Star of Bethlehem/Potato Vine Bulbs: 所有ium sp. Ornamental Onion Amaryllis belladonna Belladonna Lily Anemone blanda Winter Windflower Colchicum autumnale Autumn Crocus Hyacinthus...
对猫有毒 Botanical name Symptoms Common names Abrus precatorius Severe vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes bloody), 震动, 高心率, 发热, 冲击, 和死亡. 种子有剧毒. Buddhist Rosary Bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Prayer...
蚜虫是绿色的, 棕色(的), red or black soft-bodied insects that suck plant juices causing stunting and deformation of leaves and blooms. They are found on the underside of leaves, usually on the newer, more succulent growth. 它们粘在一起...
害螨 害螨 are tiny sap sucking insects found on the underside of leaves. Warm temperatures and low humidity will cause them to spread more rapidly. 它们通常不被注意,直到细小的网状物明显出现. 控制:增加湿度...
粉虱是白色的, oval and usually covered in a white substance that looks like cotton fluff. They are found individually or in clusters on stems, leaves and where the leaf joins the stem. 它们吸收植物的汁液而衰弱...
Birds in Your 花园 What attracts birds to your garden? There are several factors that will make a garden attractive to birds. These factors are the availability of shelter, food and water. 如果你想吸引鸟儿到你的...
烟粉虱 are small flies with white wings that fly up in large numbers when the plant is disturbed, 是什么让他们难以控制. These insects multiply quickly and can spread to other plants rapidly. 它们是最常见的...
线虫 Controlling 草坪上 Pests Naturally 线虫 are naturally occurring, microscopic worms that are applied to lawns for control of White Grubs. They infest and kill their prey within 24 - 48 hours and take 7 – 21 days to clear...
湿土植物 (tolerate some standing water) 树 : Abies balsamea Balsam Fir Abies sibiria Siberian Fir Acer rubrum Red Maple Acer saccharinum Silver Maple Betula nigra River Birch Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa Quercus palustris Pin Oak Salix sp....
冬天在你的花园里并不一定是沉闷的. Many plants offer interesting texture, shape and even colour throughout the cold months. Here is a list of plants, shrubs and trees that can be planted for interest year round. 多年生植物...
顽强的灌木 Zone 3 or less 常青树: Abies balsamea Balsam Fir Juniperus communis 'Depressa' Prostrated Common Juniper Juniperus horizontalis Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbour' Bar Harbour Juniper Juniperus horizontalis ‘Icee Blue’ Icee Blue Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Plumosa Compacta' Dwarf...
我们为什么要在室内播种? 我们在室内播种的原因有很多. Some people are looking for varieties that they cannot find otherwise. Some people like to get a head start on the season and be involved...
耐盐植物 树: Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo Gleditsia tricanthos Honeylocust Picea abies Norway Spruce Picea glauca White Spruce Picea pungens Colorado Spruce Pinus nigra Austrian Pine Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust Ulmus spp....
电线下的树 Acer ginnala Amur Maple Acer platanoides 'Globosum' Globe Maple Amelanchier x grandiflora Serviceberry Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula' Weeping Nootka Falsecypress Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Crataegus x mordenensis Hawthorne Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive Euonymus alatus std Burning...
蝴蝶的植物一年生植物:阿格兰属. Flossflower Comos. 天竺葵属. 天竺葵;凤仙花. 凤仙花/凤仙花属. 万寿菊属. 玛丽戈尔德·佩妮. 矮牵牛花马鞭草. 马鞭草百日草属. Zinnia多年生植物:...
葡萄树 are a beautiful addition to any garden; they can be used to provide a screen or add interest to a bare wall or fence. 荷兰人的一种快速生长的植物, 充满活力的, twining vine it has large leaves; good...
车前草历史直到最近, hostas were considered to be a common shade plant that was used in gardens because nothing else seemed to work. Now, so many distinctive varieties are available that an avid gardener can be seen spending up...
 里奇饲料 & 种子公司. 1390 Windmill Lane, Ottawa, ON, K1B 4V5 613-741-4430 8l1j.emotionsamsara.com   Antique These roses are an excellent choice for anyone who wants something special for their rose collection. 这些玫瑰的花瓣形状很有趣...
Woody Ornamental Plants Rarely Damaged by Deer and Elk American holly Common boxwood Colorado blue spruce Drooping leucothoe Japanese pieris Juniper Paper birch Herbaceous Plants Rarely Damaged by Deer and Elk Annuals and biennials: Ageratum Blanket flower Blue salvia Cleome...